Helpful Links & Forms

Parents the following information is to help you with any questions, which you may have when our office is closed, and to help you determine if your child's situation is urgent or non-urgent. Our doctors are always available for urgent questions.
Please review the following information before calling the office to determine if a call is necessary.
For advice related to issues not covered in this handout call our office.FEVER
Fever is a temporary increase in body's temperature due to various causes (ex: infections, vaccines). Fever can make your child uncomfortable, but it may be beneficial because it helps the body fight infections and it may help shorten the course of the illness. Our physicians define fever on a child of 3 months or older to be 100.6°F or higher, if your child is younger we recommend you take your child to the Emergency Room. There are different ways to take the temperature, they are as follows:Please monitor your child's temperature. We recommend you treat your child's fever with anti-fever medicine (ex: ibuprofen (Motrin®, Advil®) and/or acetaminophen (Tylenol®, Feverall®) only if your child is uncomfortable and has a fever of 100.6°F or higher. You can also give your child a cool bath, which may help reduce the temperature.
Call the on-call physician if:
There are many sicknesses that will cause vomiting and/or diarrhea. These sicknesses are mostly referred to as viral infections. In most cases children don't need to be seen immediately. The most important thing to do with your child is keep him/her hydrated. Keep your child hydrated with Pedialyte. if your child is 3 years or younger, older children can take water, ginger ale, or Gatorade®.Avoid red or green colored drinks to avoid vomits appearing to be blood-strained or bile-stained. Also avoid any sugary drinks such as apple juice. If your child vomits let him/her rest for at least 2 hours before giving any liquids. You can give small sips of liquid (ex: 5cc every 5 minutes for 1 hour). Some children may continue to vomit but continue to hydrate with small amounts of liquid. Call the on-call physician if:
Diarrhea is most often caused by viral infections. Most important is to keep your child hydrated with water or appropriate liquids. Avoid juices (ex: apple, pear or prune juice) or any drinks high in sugar because these drinks can make the diarrhea worse. For infants that are formula fed continue normal feeds, but in older children 1yr or older, give starchy foods (ex: bread, plain pasta, rice). Diarrhea most of the time is not an emergency. We do not recommend giving medication to stop the diarrhea.Call the on-call physician if:
Rashes cannot be diagnosed over the phone because rashes are unusual skin changes. If you are concerned about a rash your child has, please call our on-call physician to make an appointment. If your child develops a rash after taking a new medication, please discontinue the medication and bring your child in to have a physician evaluate your child.PRESCRIPTIONS
An examination should be done before any antibiotics are prescribed. If you are concerned for your child's health and need your child to get evaluated immediately please take him/her to the emergency room. If you are calling to refill a medication please call during regular office hours.INJURIES
If your child sustains a severe injury take him/her to the emergency room immediately. The on-call physician will only be able to give you recommendations as to what your nearest Emergency room is: EMERGENCY ROOMS St. Joseph's Hospital 703 Main Street Paterson, NJ 07503 St. Mary's Hospital 350 Boulevard Passaic, NJ 07055IMMUNIZATION REACTIONS
When your child receives vaccines, it is common that your child might have fever, discomfort, swelling and redness around the injection site.
For more information on vaccines please refer to the vaccine handout you received in the office, or click here for more information. Please note that In most cases common reactions to vaccines are not emergencies.COUGH
Cough is common when your child has an upper respiratory infection. Medication for cough will be prescribed only after your child has been evaluated by one of our physicians.Call the on-call physician if:
Sore throat is not an emergency; pain reliever may be given for sore throat to relieve the pain. For an older child you can have him/her gargle with warm salt water. If you feel that your child needs urgent care take him/her to the emergency room, otherwise bring your to our office during normal business hours. Call the on-call physician if:CONSTIPATION
Constipation is not an emergency; therefore you can call during our normal business hours to discuss that matter. To reduce constipation you can keep your child well hydrated and give your child a well-balanced diet. If you are unsure of how severe your child's constipation is and are concerned about the matter please feel free to call our on-call physician.PINK EYE
Pink eye (conjunctivitis) is not an emergency in most cases. If you child has irritated and/or discharge from eyes you can call our office during normal business hours. In the mean time at home you can treat your child with warm compress.Conjunctivitis is contagious; Please make sure you wash your hands often when treating your child's eyes. Medication for pink eye will only be prescribed after your child has been seen by one of our physicians.
Earache is not an emergency; pain reliever may be given for earache, your child may need to be seen at our office first thing in the morning. Antibiotic is not given unless your child is seen by one of our physicians. If you feel that your child can't wait until the next day and needs urgent care please take your child to the emergency room.Call the on-call physician if:
Children may have nasal congestion or runny nose from colds or viral infections.Most of the time nasal congestion or runny nose is not an emergency.